Life Expectancy by Zip Code in Monroe County

Monroe County

The social determinants of health play a big part in the well-being and length of life for a community. Looking at life expectancy across Monroe County by zip code, we see that reflected in the much lower life expectancy within the City of Rochester compared to the suburbs. Long standing socioeconomic differences and racial inequities between the City of Rochester and its suburbs are highlighted here.

Methodology note: Years of potential life lost (YPLL) is a widely used measure to assess the rate of premature mortality. YPLL places a larger weight on the deaths of younger people, in contrast with overall mortality statistics which are dominated by deaths of the elderly. The YPLL rates in Common Ground Health analyses are derived using 75 years as the baseline. A death at age 65 has YPLL of 10, where as a death at age 35 has a YPLL of 40. The rates are calculated per 100,000 population and are age-sex adjusted to account for differences in population distribution.

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