At Common Ground Health, we know that mental health is health. Our Mental Health and Wellness team focuses on learning more about and supporting the behavioral health of our community, especially our Black and Brown neighbors.
A home for culturally responsive healing and wellness approaches and practices for people of the African Diaspora.
A collaborative initiative of Common Ground Health and CCSI focused on the disparate impacts of COVID-19 on youth mental health.
A public awareness campaign on the protective factors of even one loving adult in a child's life.
Mental Health Resources
Need to talk to someone right now?
Crisis Lifeline: Call 988 or chat online at
Crisis Text Line: Text 741-741
Línea de crisis en español: Llama al 1.888.628.9454
Resources on Mental Health Conditions
BIPOC Mental Health Resources
- Association of Black Psychologists Directory
- LBGTQ Psychotherapists of Color
- National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network
Resources for Teens
- FLX Teens Are Alright: Resources about mental health for teens and by teens in the Finger Lakes Region
- Empower OC: Information on health topics from the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Ontario County
- Mental Health Literacy 101
- Teen Central: Mental health information, tips and tools for youth & peer support
- The Trevor Project: Crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQIA+ youth
- Youth Engaged 4 Change: Empowering you to improve your life and the world around you
- How to Help a Friend (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention –Western NY Chapter
Resources for Parents and Caregivers
- Kids Thrive 585: Local youth mental health services
- Monroe County Office of Mental Health
- Center for Youth
- Breathe Deep: Youth education and restorative wellness programs
- Mental Health Association of Rochester
- Mental Health Literacy 101
- Mental Health America
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health (National Institute of Mental Health)
- Connectivity & Youth Mental Health (CDC)
Recursos de salud mental en español
- Los Adolescentes Están Bien: Una revista digital que se trata de temas de salud mental, para los adolescentes y escrita por los adolescentes de la región de los Finger Lakes
- Empower OC: Una plataforma en línea con temas relacionados a la salud para los jóvenes de la Coalición Contra el Abuso de Sustancias del Condado de Ontario
- Comprendiendo la salud mental: Información básica de educación en salud mental para los adolescentes y adultos (.pdf)
- El Proyecto Trevor: Servicios de intervención en crisis y prevención del suicidio para jóvenes LGBTQIA+
- La Alianza Nacional de Salud Mental
- Prevención del Suicidio