Latino Population: Percent of Population within Census Tract

New York Finger Lakes Region

The map shows the percentage of Latinos within each census tract in the Finger Lakes region. The only areas where Latinos represent over 20% of the population are within the city of Rochester, though some of the surrounding suburbs have a relatively high Latino population when compared to the rest of the Finger Lakes region. Within the rest of the Finger Lakes region, pockets of higher Latino population are clustered around population centers, like Canandaigua and Geneva, in Ontario and Seneca counties. The concentration of Latinos is generally very low in the Southern Tier counties, except for areas near Elmira.

As of 2020, there are 93,119 Latino residents living in the nine-county Finger Lakes region. This is a 37% increase from 68,180 in 2010. Latino residents now make up 7% of the region’s total population, an increase from 5% in 2010. 

This data visualization is part of Unheard: How Silencing Latino Voices Harms Latino Health Equity.

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