Regional Chart Book, 2014

The Regional Chartbook investigates health issues including underlying causes of health problems and health disparities by race/ethnicity, geography, socio-economic status and gender.


Nuestra Salud Full Report, 2014

Through 65 data graphs and accompanying analysis, this report documents health disparities and their root causes for Latinos, the fastest growing ethnic group in the Finger Lakes region.


Nuestra Salud Executive Summary, 2014

This six page summary highlights heatlh indicators in which Latinos, particularly in the three high poverty ZIP codes expereience worse outcomes than whites.


What's Goin' On Full Report, 2014

Through 65 data graphs on early death, disease incidence and other heatlh indicators, this 90 page report documents the health disparities experienced by African Americans in Rochester's highest poverty neighborhoods.


What's Goin' On Executive Summary, 2014

This five page summary highlights how African American who reside in eight of Rochester's highest poverty ZIP codes experience many of the worst heatlh outcomes in Monroe County.


Nuestra Salud Brochure, 2014

This eight-page brochure highlights the agency's research on health outcomes for our region's Latino community in a user-friendly format.


What's Goin' On Brochure, 2014

This eight-page brochure highlights the agency's research on health outcomes for our region's African Americans in a user-friendly format.


2020 Commission on System Performance, 2010

This commission report reviewed requests for adding a total of 278 additional hospital beds to the region, recommending that only 152 be added instead to meet projected needed. The recommendations were estimated to save more than $150 million in health care costs by the year 2014.


2020 Vision for Aging Services: The Sage Commission Final Report, 2011

Based on two year of planning by a blue-ribbon commission of more than 100 partners, this report provides a long-range plan for addressing the health needs of our growing number of seniors and their caregivers.


MRI Report, Jan. - Dec. 2013

Based on a 2013 survey of MRI services in the Finger Lakes, this study concludes that the region's 38 MRI machines will accommodate up to a 10 percent increase in demand over the coming years.
